MultiPurpose Function

The ecmMultiPurpose function displays either a content block or an content block associated with a form. As a result, you can use one template to display both types of content block.

Here is the format for the Multipurpose function

                 <CFMODULE template="#request.ecm.AppPath#ecmMultiPurpose.cfm" DefaultID="" >

To pass in a standard content block, pass the id value in the url parameter, as illustrated below.


To pass in a Form content block, pass the ekfrm value in the url parameter, as illustrated below.


Note: For more information about passing the id value as a URL parameter, see Dynamic Content Block.

If the id value or ekfrm value does not exist, a blank template appears.

If the url parameter is not passed in or recognized, the function calls ecmContentBlock and passes the DefaultID value as the id argument. If the DefaultID value is zero (0), ecmContentBlock is not called.

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